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Docker CI in GitLab CI.



Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container image. Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that involves automating the building, testing, and validation of code changes to ensure that they integrate smoothly with the rest of the codebase.

In this topic, the use of Docker for CI is explored, specifically in conjunction with GitLab's managed CI/CD pipelines. GitLab is a popular source code management platform that provides built-in CI/CD functionality, including pipeline orchestration and version control.

To implement Docker Continuous Integration with GitLab CI, developers can define a CI/CD pipeline that specifies the steps required to build, test, and deploy Docker images. This pipeline can be customized with various stages and jobs, such as building the Docker image, running tests, and pushing the image to a container registry.

GitLab's built-in CI/CD features make it easy to manage Docker images and track changes to the codebase. Additionally, using Docker allows for greater portability and consistency in the development process, as developers can build and test applications in the same container environment across different machines.

Overall, using Docker for Continuous Integration with GitLab's managed CI/CD pipelines provides a streamlined and efficient approach to building and testing applications, improving development speed and code quality.